martes, 29 de mayo de 2007


(originally attached as a Word Document)

Consejería de Educación

I (Print Name)_______________________________have been informed about my school assignment in Madrid for 2007/08 school year. I understand that, in case I accept, I know what the duties and responsibilities of Language Assistants are and that I will do my job as efficiently as possible. I have been informed that I will receive 888.25 € (after taxes) per month from October to June (for 16 hours per week with students including 2 hours of conversation seminars with school staff).

I understand that attending the different in-services and training sessions programmed by Spanish Educational Authorities is part of my assignment.

I also understand that, after I accept, I will receive a contract and I will not be able to renounce to this position unless it is for an extremely important reason that can be legally justified.

I accept my assignment (Please, tick the right box):

YES [ ]

NO [ ]

Signed:_______________________ Date:______/____/______

Please, complete and fax to:
011 34 91 720 xxxx

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