lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

Short thoughts on the coming school year

How could I've missed it? On my school's website it clearly states that "Los contenidos trabajados en inglés pertenecen a las áreas de Lengua Inglesa, Conocimiento del Medio y Plástica."

Uy. I obviously was reading too fast or not close enough.

I've been really focused on gathering ideas for arts and crafts projects as of late, as well as dipping into civics (immigration and citizenship, especially). There are so many things I'm eager to discuss, but I have to keep reminding myself that I'm there mostly to assist the teachers, who probably (well, should) already have lesson plans. I guess part of me is expecting the same kind of deal doled out to some of the assistants in France--that is, left on their own to implement the curriculum and manage the class(es). In a nutshell, paid to do the certified teacher's work at a fraction of the cost.

Hopefully none (or very few) of us find ourselves in this situation, but if we do, we hopefully have resources to correct it. I say hopefully because each case may vary, and if no one comes or is plain unable to help, well then, as trying as it might become, we'll just have to make the best of things.

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